We had such a great Christmas. We went to Mississippi for almost a full week and what a wonderful time we had! The boys did amazing! They had a hard time sleeping but other than that LOVED being outside, being with family, and getting attention.
It's so hard to even know where to begin with pictures.
So here are a few...who knows I might add some more for weeks to come.
So to start we left Tuesday night when Nate got off of work and drove a little over half way to Baton Rouge and used some Hampton Inn points to stay the night. BAD IDEA. The boys have never slept with us. So the fact that we woke them up at 10:30 took them into a hotel and let them play and then expected to just turn out the lights and go to sleep was a little stupid on our part. We had a long night needless to say. But the next morning we were greeted with happy babies, in our bed, who were ready to get on the road.
Like I said there was lots of playing outside which the boys loved. Here they are playing on Pops and Nini's swing set.
We also got to spend lots of time with our newest nephew, Baby Taylor. He is so sweet! He is exactly 14 months younger than the boys. I have a feeling they will be lots of trouble together in a few years.
Okay, that is all for now. My family will be coming in tonight and tomorrow to stay for New Years. Which means we will have a house of 15 for 3 days! I am so excited!!! So off to finish the prep work!!!