Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wedding Weekend!

This past weekend the boys got to be ring bearers for our sweet friends, Jennifer and Braxton. Jennifer is the oldest daughter of some of our sweet friends, Tim and Ann Bates. They have a family that we adore and love getting to be a part of. We were really excited that the boys were asked to be in the wedding. We got to go to Belton, TX on Friday, stay at a wonderful retreat center and hang out with lots of people we love!

The boys did pretty well. They did perfect at the rehearsal and were angels all Friday night. They were thrown off of their schedule and were still happy! Saturday was a little harder. The wedding was at 2pm and our little guys nap every day from 1-4. They had to be at the church at 12 for pictures. They made the whole day with just one short 10 minute nap in the car. So that being said, they did really well.

I am going to chose to not tell you about the fit that happened when we tried to dress them. Jennifer even came out and asked if she could help! They were NOT happy campers about being in those tuxes...but they calmed!

Blake made it down the aisle with the flower girl...and Owen made it too, a few steps back, and with his daddy pushing him! BUT - we made it with no least no tears while walking down the aisle.

They did great. The bride was radiant and it was SO fun to be there.

Here they are in their tuxes!!!

We snuck into a sunday school class so they could play and not destroy Braxton's mom put it when she snuck them peanut butter cookies into the sanctuary - God understands...they are little!

Not a fan of this picture of me...but look at the boys!!! Too funny!

Sticking our fingers in Daddy's ear...we think this is a riot! This is about 20 minutes before the wedding!

And this is an after show how tired we were...this was during the ceremony...guess its a good think we took them out!

We did drag them to the reception...we couldn't miss the cake!

Here is my favorite picture of Owen and Nate - this is the rehearsal dinner:


Granma said...

I've been waiting all day to see these! How special and cute! I know I'm prejudiced, but I don't care! Future Heartbreakers! I think you're very brave and sweet parents for doing this!

Alexis Grant said...

Such adorable pictures! You all look great.

Kelley C said...

They are TOO CUTE in thos tuxes. I love it.