Sunday, February 28, 2010
Cutie - pa - tooties
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
50's skate night!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Who's picking on who?

Last thing our friend from SC with TTTS will be delivering today. her boys are weighed in at 5lbs 5oz and 4 lbs 13 oz. Hopefully they will be bigger! Those can go 10% either way. Blake and Owen both came in bigger than expected. They are going to induce her in this morning!
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Since you were praying
Nega and his wife lost their baby.
Here is the email:
Dear Mom and Dad, It was unexpected news that I heard yesterday. When I went to the hospital the doctor said that the baby is not alive! Wow, I could not believe because we were told many times that the baby was ok! We could do nothing! Yesterday She delivered. I am so sorry that I could not say more than this! Yes, God knows! Emu is doing well! Thank you for your prayers!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
He makes the analogy of the body of Christ to the human body. He is making the point that we all have unique gifts that are given to us at the moment of salvation. It is up to the God head to determine who gets what gifts, how we use them, and what the effect or outcome will be.
He also talks about, in the same analogy, how we are to rejoice with our fellow members of the body and to suffer with them.
That is so real to me this morning on a very personal level as my whole body hurts from going to the gym again yesterday:).
Also by an email I got this morning.
When I was in college I served on staff at FBC Brownwood as an interim youth pastor for a year. Our pastor that year came on staff at almost the exact same time I did. He was young and married to an outgoing, fun lady and had two adorable children - Maggie Lee, 4, and Jack, 2.
We served together for that year before he moved on to another church, but the whole year I watched and observed this family. I thought they were adorable and different. I really admired them.
Now move 8 years later to this summer. I heard that Maggie Lee, now 12, had been in a car accident on her way to church camp. Their van flipped and she was in the hospital with a brain injury. I began to follow their 3 week ordeal as I prayed for ML and her healing.
Sadly, God chose not to heal her the way we all had hoped. But he healed her in His way, by healing her forever and taking her home.
The Henson's have been amazing during this time. Not by being over spiritual, but being real. They have been vulnerable and open allowing the body to come along side of them and do just as Paul is talking about in 1 Corinthians and hurting with them. They are also still allowing God to use their gifts to encourage and edify the body even during this time.
Anyways, I am constantly encouraged and challenged by this family. It has been 6 months since Maggie Lee passed away and Jenny posted this journal this morning.
I would encourage you all to read it.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This is why time out doesn't always work
You have to listen very carefully. I was far way and sneaking the video.
Do you hear Owen say "Here you go!" As he hands Blake the monkey? Talking up a storm, I tell you!
Bad for me...awesome for them. It has to be AWESOME to have a twin!
On other news, Nega and his wife are still hanging in there. Her blood pressure has gone down some, but they are still not out of the woods. She is still in the hospital in the country's capital, Addis Adaba. I have seen this hospital...not really the "best."
Thanks for the prayers, as Nega said, our God is sovereign and in control!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Prayers and Pictures
When Nate and I were dating I had the chance to go with our church to Arba Minch, Ethiopia. It was an amazing trip, one that certainly changed my perspective of life. I met so many amazing people while I was there. A really cool thing that I saw there was how many native Ethiopians who loved God and were missionaries to their own people! One of those people was our translator, Nega. Nega is/was such an amazing man. Full of love for God and love for people. He was a joy to be around for the weeks we were there.