Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Last week my Blakers was so sick. He ended up with a viral infection that started off with a bad cold - including fever, extreme fatigue, panting-like breathing, and a runny nose. It all seemed to go away but was then followed by a rash all over his body. It was a trying few days...but he seemed to be better by last Thursday.
Here he is looking so sad after a nap where his fever broke - see the wet curls?:

While he was feeling cruddy...Owen was about the sweetest kid on the planet. He was very content to play alone and let me cuddle with Blake. He was happy and easy going. I was so greatful for him!
Here he is in all of his sweetness:

And I finally caught him walking! Doesn't he look like a T-Rex?


Mom said...

Blake looks so sick! I'm so happy he's finally better. And Owen is sparkling as always! miss you guys--Love you

The McQueen's said...

Kim, your boys are so cute! I can't believe how much they've grown! One day they will have to meet my Morgan and Micah and play together!

Miss you friend,