Apparently Coriscana used to be a big oil town back in the day. And so to celebrate every year they have something called Derrick Days. It is a pretty cute small town festival. I kind of felt like I was in the movie, Hope Floats, as we walked up and down historic main street eating food, watching old ladies clog (dancing), going to the car show and of course riding rides!
The boys had a great time. The highlight of their day was certainly riding a train roller coaster. Have I told you they have no fear? There were kids twice their size and age riding the same thing who were terrified and being coaxed by their families to ride. Our little guys hopped right on and loved every minute!
First time around:

and the second...pros by this point!

In the middle of downtown

Owen was pouting because we didn't ride the carousel

Blake, Mommy and Caroline! (I am almost 6 months!)